Monday, August 20, 2012

On Turning Three

My Chaseyboy.

Just as cute as they come.
It's more about his little personality than it is his dashing good looks.
There is just some factor this kid has.
I can't ever put my finger on it.
But it always, always makes me smile.

Chase turned 3 just shy of a month ago. We celebrated his big day out at the lake and it could not have been a more perfect weekend.

3 years ago......He entered and set our hearts on fire all over again. It's amazing how you think you couldn't love anyone more than you do your first...and then along comes the second.
And then, he is born and you are. just. stopped. All over again. {And not just stopped by the people with their hands in your crotch, pulling and snipping and yanking and all the great things we experience right after the birth-because that is just downright embarrasing}.........but I mean like your heart is just stopped. For a moment it becomes frozen/suspended/no movement. And this new little person just jumps right into your still, unable to beat, heart. Is that why they say, be still my heart? I don't know, but sheesh, that is what it was like for me.

You hold him and kiss him.

And you look at him and you are just rocked.

And then you blink your eyes.

And he turns 3.

And because every little child should wake up to balloons on their birthday, you and your mother in law blow up balloons at wee hours of the morning.

And all he wanted for his birthday cake was blue cupcakes. No special characters. No immaculate train scenes. Nope. Just cupcakes. Just blue. {me likey easy}

it was a cupcake eating.

love fest.

And since his big brother got a cool watery,glittery,magical wand for his birthday......clearly, this was top priority for the three year old. i just adore all his faces.

{not to mention, as i was editing this post, i just realized he totally has his hand up his pants!!! ok, so maybe this explains the faces?????}  www.that'

ahem. moving on.

then his dad had a super fun idea to hide his big present.

because our boys are musical.

an acoustic guitar was a cool choice.

how melted is your heart right now? mine is just a slop of a mess at the sight of this picture. a good mess.

ok for real. was this kid born for the stage?

i can see many a girl falling for this little charmer. however, they will need to just fowgetaboutit.......cuz mama's gonna hold the key to his heart until he is done with college. then we can talk ladies. maybe.

happy third birthday little man.

we love you so so so so much! you just don't even know how cool you are. well, actually you do. but you are even cooler than that. you are just sweet and funny and even caring. your little big brother instinct has really kicked in with Beckett. that's not to say you aren't mighty naughty with him too.....but when you love him. you just love him. and it's fun to watch. you and leighton are just side kicks. you have your share of fights but really mostly, you two just jive together. you have spent a good portion of your 3rd summer in the sandbox with him. he looks out for you very well. he really loves you. it's pretty impossible to do anything less than love you.

and your orange boots! i can't find a picture at the moment but i am sure i have many. you have been wearing those orange boots since february. you love those things! you look so cute in them. you wore them through rain,sleet,snow and hot hot hot heat. they are just you. i'm sure they are way to small for you by now but you don't care. you just trudge along with them. i love them on you.

you are going to preschool in a few weeks.  leighton will get to be with you during your entire first year of preschool and i adore that. you are so excited to go to preschool! the one big factor in your potty training completion this summer was just that. you worked for your goal and you accomplished it, way ahead of schedule! wahoo!

you are a little boy of curiosity and wonder. 
you are three. you are mine. and you were made to make people smile.
know it. know it well.
your gangsta mommy


Lizzy Bee said...

that is all just so stinking cute I can hardly stand it!

Shannonheick said...

thanks Liz! i'm looking forward to our get together soon!!!! ahhh-so not prepared yet!