So, those of you that know me on here, know that I claim myself NOT to be a crafter/DIYer or anything even closely related. It's not something I am heavily skilled in. However, you also know that I am never one to not even try. So, that is what you find here. Me, a non-crafty/DIYer....just doing that which is trying. And I happen to think that, even though, my attemps NEVER EVER turn out perfect or anywhere near "Pintrest quality", we always end up having a blast together, we make some great memories and sometimes I really like what I/we make. Today's example brings us to a great little DIY sort-of science project for your toddlers.
So all you need to start first are willing toddlers. I happen to have three of those. Especially if I even make the slightest mention of water or explosions. I think they will always come running for those.

Next, you will need a clear jar or vase. The clearer and cleaner, the better. Mine wasn't perfectly clear or free of spots as you can see at the top. But......ignore those little imperfections and just look for what the vase gives way to. In this case, the cutest three year old I've ever seen, with his face totally distorted. These are the things that make a heart smile.

From there, you just add water, oil, food coloring and whatever you sweet little momma or daddy heart has in your cupboards. Mix them, pour them, stir, them.....and if you are like me, photograph them.

It was so fun watching them watch and learn and discover.

The reactions of the experiements always, ALWAYS end up pale, in comparison to.....

Their reactions. The real reason you do this.

Their sweet, content, happy smiles.

We are not sure if Beckett was having a good time?

It was so hard to tell if it was worth it to shed my "keep the kitchen clean" mentality or "what if I don't do this project perfect just like Pintrest" lie.......really hard to tell here if Beckett had fun? Or not!

In the end, I think we might be able to guess that this little middle Superhero might even think that He just mastered this project and grew that superhero bicep one size bigger......

But really what these projects might really do......

Is grow their hearts a size bigger.

Maybe for science. Maybe for their own self-esteem. And maybe for each other.

It's amazing how a few seemingly un-related ingredients....oil and coloring and clean kitchen surfaces.....the perfect and the even they can work together, under the right conditions and explode with possibilies.

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