Tuesday, January 31, 2012

cranky bottom

One day.....nothin was gonna make those little cheeks smile. 

And by nothin. I. mean. nothin. He was just a cranky panky. With some sort of chocolate stach. 

Perhaps Beckett could give it whirl. Go ahead, little human smile-inducing phenom, you. Make your big brother who is a cranky pants. Just smile. 

Not so much, huh? 

Ok....well, maybe...just maybe if the big brother holds you in a stick smile up. Then you might like sort of like just give us a teensy, weensy smile. 

Hmmmmmm. Clearly this isn't working. 

Poor little cranky bottom. No chance at a smile I guess. 

That is. Until. He {gets himself undressed [as usual] }and discovers for himself a new phenomenon of sorts. A straw + milk = smile. 

I do believe there is a little smile under all those milk bubbles. 


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