Derrick and I don't get to date too much these days. Really, it's our fault. We need to work on that. Dating is really an important aspect of a marriage. I HIGHLY recommend it. Having little ones certainly makes it more of a challenge. But it's one of those things that for a little work and preparation (finding a babysitter) has a big pay-off. I.e,. Healthy Marriage, a break from the little loves, fun-ness, adult conversation, the list goes on and on.
So, on the eve before Beckett's swift arrival, we were so blessed to have one of our church and small group friends offer to watch our boys so we could go out on a date. (THANKS JENELLE & ANDY) And we just don't turn offers like those down. So, we dropped off our boys and headed to our favorite restaraunt, Qdoba. I's sad that that is our fave but hey, who can pass up queso burritos EVER! Not us. Plus, it's a bit lighter on the old pocket-book and we know we have loads and loads of diapers to buy!
The lovely dinner of spicy, mexican goodness (plus extra hot sauce) was followed up by an amazing idea by my one true love. The conversation went something like this.......
me: "ok, that was good, so now what are we gonna do?"
(so let me interject a question any of you love birds out there ever get a chance to go on a date and it's such a rare occurance that you don't even know what to do with yourselves? well, that is normally us)
hubby: "hmmmmm, hey, when was the last time we went to Barnes and Noble alone?"
(ok, let me interject here while some of you may be calking your heads a bit, readjusting your eyeballs, and thinking...seriously? Barnes and Noble? the guy suggested Barnes and Noble?!....just relax.Barnes and Noble was like one of our favorite pre and post marriage activities. I can't tell you how many cups of creamy filled coffee we injested while studying together late into the night..........ok, he was studying..............i was reading some trashy magazine or a book about the latest diet craze. those late nights hold a lot of pretty neat memories for us. and i really puffy hearted this idea)
me: "wow! we haven't been to barnes and noble alone in like YEARS!"
in fact, the last time I was at Barnes and Noble alone was HERE. But the last time we were at barnes and noble together was with the boys. and the closest that gets to romantic is when i have to ask my hubby to grab a wipe to get the smeared booger off Chases's sleeve. Seriously, it's that romantic!
So, we sat down at a little cozy table, grabbed about 20 baby name books and went to town firing names back and forth at each other. It was a lovely little segment in time of kidless bliss. One of my favorite moments was when a poor mom kept running by us chasing her not-listening little toddler. I just kinda smirked, looked at my husband and whispered...."aren't you glad that's not us right now?"
After adding a few more names to our list and realizing it was almost bed-time for the kids, we rode off into the sunset in our big eight passenger mom-mobile chalk full of car seats. Got the boys home, filled with ice cream and off to bed with just enough time for us to watch a movie. And this is where the action began. And I'm not talking about the movie. I'm talking about my contracting uterus.By the end of the movie, the contractions were coming regularly enough and made me uncomfortable enough that I knew I was in labor. wasn't horrible pain yet, I just knew it was the real deal.
Or so I thought.
So, we called my big bro who high-tailed it over to our house at midnight so we could go have ourselves another little human. And out the door we scurried.
Surely, one would think that the next time we return home would be two days later with our newest little bundle of sweet baby goodness.
That would have been a little too uneventful for this birth story, however.
Instead, we would return not two days but two hours later with a puzzled look on our faces and a gallon of whole milk.
Stay tuned for Chapter Two so I can share what happened why the gallon of milk?
In the are more photos of little Beckett's first few hours and days of life.
So, on the eve before Beckett's swift arrival, we were so blessed to have one of our church and small group friends offer to watch our boys so we could go out on a date. (THANKS JENELLE & ANDY) And we just don't turn offers like those down. So, we dropped off our boys and headed to our favorite restaraunt, Qdoba. I's sad that that is our fave but hey, who can pass up queso burritos EVER! Not us. Plus, it's a bit lighter on the old pocket-book and we know we have loads and loads of diapers to buy!
The lovely dinner of spicy, mexican goodness (plus extra hot sauce) was followed up by an amazing idea by my one true love. The conversation went something like this.......
me: "ok, that was good, so now what are we gonna do?"
(so let me interject a question any of you love birds out there ever get a chance to go on a date and it's such a rare occurance that you don't even know what to do with yourselves? well, that is normally us)
hubby: "hmmmmm, hey, when was the last time we went to Barnes and Noble alone?"
(ok, let me interject here while some of you may be calking your heads a bit, readjusting your eyeballs, and thinking...seriously? Barnes and Noble? the guy suggested Barnes and Noble?!....just relax.Barnes and Noble was like one of our favorite pre and post marriage activities. I can't tell you how many cups of creamy filled coffee we injested while studying together late into the night..........ok, he was studying..............i was reading some trashy magazine or a book about the latest diet craze. those late nights hold a lot of pretty neat memories for us. and i really puffy hearted this idea)
me: "wow! we haven't been to barnes and noble alone in like YEARS!"
in fact, the last time I was at Barnes and Noble alone was HERE. But the last time we were at barnes and noble together was with the boys. and the closest that gets to romantic is when i have to ask my hubby to grab a wipe to get the smeared booger off Chases's sleeve. Seriously, it's that romantic!
So, we sat down at a little cozy table, grabbed about 20 baby name books and went to town firing names back and forth at each other. It was a lovely little segment in time of kidless bliss. One of my favorite moments was when a poor mom kept running by us chasing her not-listening little toddler. I just kinda smirked, looked at my husband and whispered...."aren't you glad that's not us right now?"
After adding a few more names to our list and realizing it was almost bed-time for the kids, we rode off into the sunset in our big eight passenger mom-mobile chalk full of car seats. Got the boys home, filled with ice cream and off to bed with just enough time for us to watch a movie. And this is where the action began. And I'm not talking about the movie. I'm talking about my contracting uterus.By the end of the movie, the contractions were coming regularly enough and made me uncomfortable enough that I knew I was in labor. wasn't horrible pain yet, I just knew it was the real deal.
Or so I thought.
So, we called my big bro who high-tailed it over to our house at midnight so we could go have ourselves another little human. And out the door we scurried.
Surely, one would think that the next time we return home would be two days later with our newest little bundle of sweet baby goodness.
That would have been a little too uneventful for this birth story, however.
Instead, we would return not two days but two hours later with a puzzled look on our faces and a gallon of whole milk.
Stay tuned for Chapter Two so I can share what happened why the gallon of milk?
In the are more photos of little Beckett's first few hours and days of life.

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