Thursday, June 11, 2009

Weekly Womb #33

The Pineapple Express has left the station!

This week, the baby is over 4 pounds and 17 inches long- roughly the size of a pineapple. Remember, these sizes are acoording to Babycenter. Who really have no idea. Much like the doctor who delivered Leighton. She told me the day before my induction that the baby probably weighed around 6 pounds. I believed her and that's what I prepared my crotch self for. And then he was born. And we found out that doctors are just guessers with latex gloves on. Leighton ended up being 8lbs even. Not 6lbs-like she told me!

I know, some of you might be thinking. "Oh Shannon, an 8lb baby isn't THAT big, mine was 9, mine was 10". But, I assure you. For me, it's big. I'm only 5 feet and 1 inch (if i'm lucky) tall, with a smaller build. So, an 8 pounder barreling through my train depot is no laughing matter. I assure you.

Back to my current little pineapple who is making his or her way to the train depot. Actually, I don't know if I should say making his or way to the depot anymore. As of yesterday, it feels like the train has arrived. Down there In the depot. If you know what I mean. It's really quite unpleasant and makes walking, standing up, turning over, ect..quite uncomfortable. So, I'm not sure what you will doing this summer. But, at least for the next 6 weeks, I will be busy housing the Pineapple Express. Down there.


Lindsay said...

LOL. I can't stop laughing. LOL! That was hilarious. Probably hilarious because I know EXACTLY what you're talking about....only I've felt the train arrive (way too) long ago. Ugh. Perhaps I should be crying with you. Crying with every "flip" during the night and crying with every STEP during the lovely BH contractions. Ahhhh....isn't it glorious?! Yoi.

Shannonheick said...

Yes, Lindsay-it is glorious!!!! I can't wait to endure 6 more weeks of this! I heard you will be having the iron thing so I will keep you in my prayers this week!

Anonymous said...

Shannon, you make me laugh just about every time I read your blog! I'll be praying for endurance and comfort :) Kristi J.

Leslie said...

Oh Shanny! You are hilarious!! I love the crotch cross out and your explanation of doctors! Thanks for the laugh!! I now have some things to look forward to down the road, or shall I say tracks??? lol