Tuesday, April 15, 2008


So, it went something like this:

-Leighton was up and at em by 6:30am. managed to keep him in the bed until about 7am.
-Got up, took a shower with a bit of zest as I was excited to go to my 2nd ever MOPs meeting at church.
- Going about the morning. getting Leighton dressed. playing a little bit. trying to get myself dressed. catching Leighton before he gets to Maverick's water dish or attempts to scale Mount Kitchen Drawers or Mount 3 Legged Stools. got my make up on with Leighton on my hip. decided to put Leighton down so I could blowdry my hair. AND.................................."POP" it went. (My back)
-Set Leighton down, and went to my hands and knees in pain. couldn't take a deep breath. promptly called Derrick. so, i was a little dramatic but I really did think that my rib punctured my lung!
-I managed to get Leighton in his pack-n-play and then laid on the bed unable to move. called my mom and she reinforced my hypocondriacism and I began to wonder if I really shouldn't just call 911- (thanks mom!)
-My calm, wonderful husband promptly swooped in for my rescue. he called a chiropractor, got me in for 9am, fed Leighton, loaded us up and off we went to see what prediciment my back was in. thank God for calm husbands!
-Got an exam and xray. Diagnosis: vertebrate slipped out of place due to bad mommy maneuvering. Fix: a couple of quick adjustments and will have to return tomorrow for another.
of course, my visit would not have complete without getting the passy outy feeling and having to request a cold washcloth! 3times! yes, even after reassurance from the expert chiropractor I was still thinking I may have a puncture wound in my lung-hence the need for the cold washcloth on my forehead.
-Back home to take it easy for the day and ice my back. i did manage to do some work stuff later in the afternoon. tried a new recipe in the crockpot and had a "laid back" evening-haaaa (no pun intended)

So, my back is still in pain but it isn't nearly what it was this morning. I'm guessing it will be that way for a few weeks. Oh well. Lessons for the day:

1. Use proper baby handling techniques ALWAYS.
2. Call your mom for sympathy ALWAYS.

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