But, really, I do intend to wrap this year up and then finally, yes, FINALLY order some mack-daddy blog books.
So, onto Christmas and all the fun that was had.
This year was a marathon driving event. We took off the Friday before Christmas at 10pm. Yes, I did say 10 pm. Yes, we are crazy. And yes, we prefer a quiet car. And yes, I do procrastinate and was still out running around finishing up some last minute gifts. There.
Thank the good Lord the weather was fine and the roads were great and it was just a van full of sleeping baby superheroes and two parents who just like to hear each other talk once in while.
Before we left, and one of the reasons I was so behind on the last minute things before we left town, was that our biggest superhero was striken with "the fever". And this was my poor sweet boys disposition for 2 days straight. He is so sweet, hardly ever complaining, just laying suppine and trying to get better. Ok, so he did have this really annoying scream cry every time he coughed but I didn't say that. I'm his mother and I would never say such a thing. Except I do like to keep this a bit real. He's so dang sweet though, you just can't help but love him!

So, we arrived and I love window lights.

We also found that the folks from the manger scene had gotten a little rowdy the previous night.

Beckett took his job of taking care of Baby Beans very seriously.

Gift opening was a hoot as always.

Maverick even partook.

And this is a bit of departure but this photo was one of my favorites from the year of Instagram.

Then it was off to round two of celebrating the wonderful Christmas season with my family.
After a little bit of good ole fashion tundra-style driving........eeeeppp Derrick!

We made it safe and sound to my home sweet home.

There is just something about the whole family being back together under one roof. Just can't explain it.
It's a good feeling.
The whole family together, surrounded by God's gift of a beautiful countryside.

It's always fun so wake up to sweet nephews in their jammies.

And silly babies turning big boys.

And grandpas taking time to color.....even before he gets his mornin shower in and hair combed.

Brothers who give the best sled rides EVER!

Yes, Sarah, Melissa and Chrissy....you are seeing what you think you are seeing. The best lettermans jacket ever made!

Later, I had to take Lydia out to do some modeling. Snow modeling.

And for the full cheese ball factor, yes, we did do dorky jumping photos of me, too.

Aaron and Valerie. These two lovebirds. They don't get much more perfect for each other than this photo!

And because the camera was busted out, I had to insist that my small children stay out in the balmy 10degree temp just for 3 more seconds.

It was worth it! I want to eat them all! I am the.....no THE luckiest person in this photo to get each of them.
Then it was time to come indoors, enjoy a bunch of delicious food and open some presents.

This beautiful girl. She just has my heart.

Nothing like a Mickey lover getting his very own, self-sized Mickey. Look at that longing smile. Good job, Uncle Jason!



And the BIG daddy of the family. I just love this man. Of course, he is saluting me. Of course.

Just pure fun. I can't handle this photo.

Or this one. Snugs with Mickey. (he was actually sleeping)

And heading home on Christmas Day eve. Pretty nice.

We are blessed with family. We are blessed with love. We are blessed by Love, who is Jesus.
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