Saturday, October 27, 2012

the best Pumpkins aren't pumpkins.

A few weeks ago, we got right straight into the pumpkin holiday with a fun family night.
Messes aren't always bad.

But before that, we headed out for a little local festival.

The boys were pretty pumped to ride the little train car.

Leighton and this guy had quite an exchange.

My husband just bein as handsome as ever.

Pumpkin pickin is a serious and fine art.

The best pumpkins in the patch....aren't pumpkins.

Back at home, we got the paints out and started to work.

Chasey boy. Silly goose. Photobucket Who can say no to this kid. EVER!!!! Photobucket Somebody loves his life. Photobucket The most beautiful mess ever. Photobucket My big boy and his awesome art skills. Photobucket How great is this life? Photobucket And while my favorite pumpkins aren't even pumpkins, I really had a lot of fun painting myself a chevron striped pumpkin-of sorts. Photobucket Happy Pumpkining!

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