Being a four year old means.....
waking up to balloons and the sunshine on your birthday.

It means jumping off of swings like your daddy does.

It means diving into your new dragon pool from Grandma & Grandpa.

It means contemplating your wish before you blow out the candles.

It means capturing your very first frog.

It means ice cream. Lots and lots of ice cream.

It means knowing how old you are!

It means daddy letting go of your bike for the first time......................tear.tear.sob.

It menas being the very wonderful, one and only, you.

Oh wow. I think I need to grab a kleenex. My boy is four. And he is so darn good at being four. He rides his bike now like he's 8 and not 4. He works on his letters like he is already in school. He spells his name!! He takes care of his little brothers in a way that makes me so proud. He makes his baby brother light up and smile the biggest gummy smiles ever. He prays so sweetly. He loves his friends. He loves his family. He is funny and tender and smart. He is four.
SO sweet and what a little smarty pants! And really - riding on TWO wheels?! Ufda - slow down L! :-) Happy Birthday!
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