More to come on that later. In fact, all of this has me planning a brand new blog! It's gonna be a big change and it's gonna be fun! But....I'm still in the design process. And I'm NOT a designer so this could take a while. In the meantime, let's take a peek at a fun playdate we enjoyed with my Mom's church group last week.
Let me give you a hint: Leighton got to do this.

I got to drool over these.

And these....

What was all this candy-filled, ice-cream scooping fun you might ask?
Well, our Mom's group (similar to a Mops group) met up with our precious little dairy-lovin little ones at our local creamery to learn all about the process of the delectable, deliciously, deleriously, drool-inducing process of Coldstone ice cream. {Insert drool}

This glorious event of learning about the process and then passing that learning straight into our taste buds, sure put a smile on Leighton's face.

And Chase...well, he's just Chase.

Of course, it put a smile on his face....but only after he bossed me around a bit. Because I swear that kid loves to boss me around and he knows just how to make me a puddle of clay in his hands.

Anyway, the playdate was super-fun and I think all the kids and moms had a great time!

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