I love summer! I love sumer even more now that I view it through the eyes of tender-hearted Leighton. He's such a kind little boy with a wonderful imagination. Watching him go up and down the sidewalk of our street will always be etched in my memory. We are so blessed to have him in our lives and we thank God every day for every moment we have been given.
Leighton is growing so fast. Although he is growing bigger every day, the things that really get me now are the things he says and does. Like in this video.........
Some of my new favorite things and quotes that Leighton has dreamed up lately are:
Him jumping off the chair or couch or toy box or end table screaming, "I'm helicopter Leighton, Yes I am!"
Or running around saying, "I'm magnet man!"- compliments of the PBS show Ciou.
And just today...he hopped in his "car" (which is really the bar stool turned sideways which he picks up and walks with Flinstone-style) and says, "Ok, I'm going to work now. Bubye. And drives away out of the room in his "car".Then he drops his car, gets out and runs back in the room and says, "oh, i gotta come back, i forgot my keys!".
And yesterday when Derrick was leaving for work he said, "ok dad, have a good day. i love you. drive careful."!
Oh and the real tear-jerker was a few weeks ago. He had been asking every day why daddy has to go to work. I told him it's because it's good to work hard and because he goes and makes money so we can have a house and food and clothes and such.
And one day he said, "mommy, i don't want daddy to go to work." I said, I know sweetie, I don't either. And then he said, "mommy, i don't want money, i just want daddy!"
Leave it to a child to put things in perspective for us..........a beautiful child at that.

This is how Leighton approaches life. I think it's the way we adults should
approach life as well. Just keep hoppin!

That's just too adorable. You've got a sweet little man there...and yes, adorable, too. :-)
...and yeah...still have those camera straps ON MY LIST! Ugh.
OH...MY...GOSH! Cutest video EVER!!
adorable post. i love those pics of him hopping...stunning!!! definately framable and on the wall pics!
Lindsay- i love the idea of the camera strap still! you've got a lot going on though....don't worry about that. so glad to hear the Adster is going to grow out of her condition! PTL!!!
Leslie- THANKS. I. THINK. SO. TOO!!! When is our next playdate?
Cassie-they would look cute in his room as gallery wraps don't you think?!
Leighton your "I'm so sad" voice and your sad face with that big fat lip makes me so happy. You are a real joy and gem that has been given by God to show us what He means by needing a child like mind and heart to know Him. You show us how to go to Him with our sad and broken hearts and realize that God does hear and He does listen. When we stop to hear Him He tells us that's OK for tomorrow is another day and if our hope is is Him and when our tomorrow comes it will be our greatest day ever. Thank you Leighton for all that you give us and show us with your childness and gentleness.
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