Tuesday, March 23, 2010

little Boys, Big Love and a Latte #6

Today I bring you a quick little edition of my lBBl&l. Many times I am so busy posting on development and activities of my little buckaroos, that I neglect this section of my blog.

Section? Did I just give my blog a section? "Whatever, Shannon, get a grip. You are not that cool that your blog has sections"

Anywho, moving on...

So here's the scene that I would like to enter as an exhibit into this edition of lBBl&l:

Me tucking Leighton into bed.

Leighton touches my wedding ring and says in his sweet little high, soft, angelic-like beditme voice, "mommy, is that your ring that daddy gave you?".

Me: "yes, honey, daddy gave me that ring so he could marry me. and i gave daddy a ring too because we love each other".

Leighton rolls over on his tummy and cups his chin in his hand and looks at me.

"Mommy, when I get big, I want to marry daddy."

Bestill my heart. Bestill my little mommy heart.

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