Wednesday, November 11, 2009

The Solution

The problem: I have to wear glasses again for a while. Not my favorite facial accessory. Although, I have to admit, they are better than that pesky chin hair that keeps popping out. (oh yes i did just go there..)

The culprit: my lovely Iritis has decided to get a little piece of the body-beating action. No biggie though..I am so over Iritis. I've had it numerous times and have even taken a couple of injections (with a needle!!!) to the eye (yes, a needle into the eye!!!) to knock it out. I always end up winning in the end. So, really, I'm not worried. Except that I have known for several years that the recurrent iritis could be related to an underlying systemic condition...but still...not worried.....errrr, yeah totally not worried.

Until...the swollen toe that we thought was a toe injury turns out to be another piece of the Mystery Diagnosis puzzle here. It's actually not injured and decided to swell up on it's own. And after listening to my podiatrist rattle off numerous stories about his co-worker's life story (which was totally unrelated to my visit except that she has kids and I have kids), and then his tyraid about how Isreal may nuke Iran in about 6 months (again, totally unrelated), followed by the "type" of doctor he is (he's a BBMF which stands for "break bone, me fix" and isnt' one of those doctors sitting and reading periodicals all day (which was related in the sense that he couldn't really help me beyond this point and is recommending a rheumatologist)....he finally told me my swollen toe is Isolated Dactylitis and is probably related to my Iritis and recent joint problems. Phew...did you get all that cuz I'm not sure that I did....

Anyway, point is, all my symptoms point to Psoriatic Arthritis. Which will hopefully be manageable and will hopefully go into remission for a long, long while. know, all these issues can get a busy momma down.

And a prescription for round the clock glasses wearing really gets this momma down.

And you begin to wonder if there is ever going to be a light at the end of this dark, frustrating tunnel...

The solution: And then HE shows up.

And reminds you that you are one lucky girl.


Michelle H. said...

ADORABLE...did I mention this post is ADORABLE!!!!!!! Shannon, I'm praying you start feeling much better real soon...

Shannonheick said...

Thanks Michelle. I really appreciate the prayers!

Anonymous said...
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Heidi said...

this is just the cutest EVER!!!