Friday, April 17, 2009

To: Cassie-my most-best friend!

Cassie...Cassie? Guest writer, Cassie. Where are you? I need you to guest write for me this weekend. We are off to watch the Minnesota Twinkies and I will not be spending much time in cyberworld. So....Cassie, if you could do me the honors and be my guest-writer, that would be
awesomely wonderful! Plus, I'm sure all my readers would love to know all the latest and greatest from the Mijangos family. The last time they heard from you was here and that was sooo long ago! So....rise to challenge, Cassie. Rise up and post like you've never posted before. Ok....or just ignore this and pretend like you didn't read it until Monday morning after we have returned. I will understand that, too. I guess.


Anonymous said...

Looks like Cassie is waiting til Monday after all! I sure was looking forward to her rising up and coming to your blog.


Shannonheick said...

Me too! She told me she is just "too busy"!! HAAAAA! Thanks for nothing, Cassie, my MOST BEST FRIEND!!!

cassie said...

hey, i think you forgot to leave me your password and instructions on how to blog!! it was months ago when i did the last one. next time i will make it happen!