Wow...what an honor Shannon has bestowed upon me. Guest Writer! I am so privileged. I hope I can do her blog justice. I have been talking about starting a blog for sometime now so maybe after I do this guest appearance I won't be able to stop. We all know that Shannon is the writer/poet of the family, however I will give it a shot. The story I would like to tell today about Shannon and I has to do with her being such a great poet. I really wish I could find this amazingly funny poem she wrote for me. It was titled "My most-best friend", hence the reason we call each other that. Of course it is the truth, but her poem said it all. I will have to look in my boxes of old stuff and try to find it. She wrote it for me about 6 years ago when I was getting ready to leave for my semester abroad in Puerto Rico. We were roommates at the time and I guess she couldn't handle the thought of me leaving. I'll never forget the night. I went to bed early to get my beauty rest and the next thing I know she wakes me up around 3am or so with tears in her eyes. I guess she had been sitting up all night crying and coming up with this poem. She hands me the poem and can barely talk because she had been crying so much. It was almost hard not to laugh, actually, I think we did laugh about it the rest of the night. I really hope I can find this poem for all you readers out there. What a great friend to do something like that. I will never forget that night! Shannon, you'll have to post a few more of your amazing poems!!
Now enough about her and what a great poet she it. It's time to talk about me and my beautiful family. My husband, Gerardo and I, have a beautiful son named Sergio who is now 20 months old and full of energy. He's stubborn and strong-willed like his mom and dad but always has a beautiful smile on his face. His new favorite game is "cut the pickle..tickle, tickle". When I start my own blog you will hear much more about him and my family. I'll let the pictures below do the talking. Well, It's time to sign off for now. Thanks, Shannon, for allowing me to sit in for you while you are on your vacation.

Sergio and I at Dolliver State Park.

Gerardo and Sergio at the Des Moines zoo.

I love this picture!

His favorite place to be in the heat. Our pool in the backyard!
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