This sweet little peanut made her entrance into the world about 5 weeks early!
Cassie and sweet little Isabella are doing wonderfully. She is just a few ounces under 5 lbs and is very healthy. Baby and momma are going home tonight! We are really excited to go visit them very soon. Leighton is calling her "Bella" and I am trying to get that on video because he prounounces it "bel-la-la-la-la". It's adorable. Of course. Way to go, Cassie and Gerardo! Love you guys!
yeah, i saw some baby photos on facebook. that girl is too cute. when is yours due?
she is a georgous thing, isn't she! we are due july 30th! i'm jealous that cassie is done with pregnancy and i am just beginning! uhhhh.
Hi Shannon! This is how behind I am with blogging/technology in general--I didn't see your comment from December til today:) Very nice to see you on here too. You have a very cute family! And I am so amazed by your photography! How did you get so good at that? Good luck with your pregnancy, I hope you are feeling better these days. I'm feeling big and achey but it's not too bad. About a month to go before our little Ryan is here.
Take care!
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