Wanna show the world what you got? Wanna celebrate the 4th in style and oh so yummy delcious yumminess? Want everyone to think that you are an amazing, talented, creative domesticated diva-like baker.....even when you clearly know you are not?
Show up with these at your upcoming 4th of July party with these babies and consider yourself having hit a home-run....no, on second thought, a Grand Slam.

Aren't those adorable!!!!!It's super EASY!!!! Now, let me just back up a bit and clear up the air here. This area of life that some call cooking, baking, creating, crafting their food together oh.so.beautifully........I S.T.I.N.K. at. So, if I can do this. ANYONE can do this! Like I said...it's easy.
So let's just get right into the lesson that I am totally unqualified to be teaching here.
First let's take a look at your ingredients:

strawberries. blue sparkly sugar. almond bark.
Hello people! Are you grabbing the significance here?! That's just three easy ingredients!
Ok, onto the steps now.
Step 1: Wash and dry your strawberries. (not just for this recipe....always wash your fruit and vegetables, my friends. do you know how many pesticides live on those healthy buggers!) Just do your body a favor and wash those puppies.

Step 2: Take your almond bark and cut it up into chunks. I used a butter knife. Then

Pop the almond bark in the microwave for 30 seconds at a time, stopping to stir. Use 50 or 60% power on the microwave. Stir frequently until softened.
Ok, now, stop the show. Hold the presses! Don't forget the single most important thing that is not even on the ingredient list........this whole thing will not work without this special concoction of mommy-waking heaven.

Ok, now that's better.
Step 3: Pour your pretty blue sparkly sugar in a bowl. I found mine at Walmart but the grocery stores probably have it too. Just don't get the sprinkles. It must be sugar. And it must be sparkly. For obvious reasons. Cuteness.

Step 4: Give your toddler a strawberry and take out your camera.

Setp 5: Start your process.

Ready, set, grab, dip, spin and cutify.
Meaning, grab your strawberry, dip it in the almond bark and spin. Make sure you dip
the strawberry just 2/3's of the way. Then spin. Then proceed to roll the bottom third of the now 2/3's covered with almond bark strawberry into the sparkly blue sugar for maximum cuteness. Make sure you place them on wax paper, or I used freezer paper because it looked like wax paper to me. Let them sit for a few minutes to harden and then place on your pretty Fourth of July platter or tray and place in the fridge.
Your final product should look like this.

Now go get your super easy ingredient and have yourself a ball. Then you can walk into the big festivities this weekend with your beautiful platter and just sit back and wait for the oohhhhs and ahhhhhs to begin. The last party I brought these too, one girl thought they were really expensive and ordered off of TV! Seriously.
I have a few more tutorials up my sleeve in the near future. I'm not sure what has gotten into me lately but come back real soon.
I have a few more tutorials up my sleeve in the near future. I'm not sure what has gotten into me lately but come back real soon.
super super cute! saw on pinterest & wanted to make--turned out adorable! & thanks for reading my blog!
thanks Shawna! it was super fun to make them. really, it's pushing the envelope for me to do something like this but this darn pinterest is really sparking something in me! ha!
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