Monday, February 25, 2008


Well, my sister-in-law got me addicted to blogging sort of. I haven't done it yet but I thought I would give it a try since I like this sort of stuff. I am still learning so I don't quite know what I'm doing. I see there are a lot of bloggers out there-wow! There is life beyond myspace and facebook!


Valerie said...

Cute pics Shanny, I'm curious what's behind the name of your blog? No pun intended.

Shannonheick said...

Hey V-
the thing behind my blog name is i can't think of anything good yet! haaa. i'm going to see if some sort of theme develops for a name.....

Anonymous said...

Hey, nice blog.... I like reading your guy's blogs so I can keep up! I never even knew Leighton crawled yet.... Keep us informed. See ya!